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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chile - the paradise of the astronomers

.With a high, dry atmosphere, rainfall is rarely recognized and quiet, the Atacama Desert in northern Chile were the astronomers chosen to put some of the most powerful telescopes in the world.

Chile - thiên đường của các nhà thiên văn học
Inside one of the telescope and control room at the Paranal Observatory. Photo: BBC.
Here, scientists will install a giant telescope with a height of 2.600m above the Andes. When completed in 10 years, it will be the most powerful optical tools in the world.
The telescope is the size of a football stadium, costing about $ 1.5 billion and 5,000 tons heavier. It will be built to withstand a major earthquake in Chile.
Telescope's primary mirror will be 42m wide, is one of the largest mirror in the world. Since can not generate a large mirror with curves and high precision engineers in Europe will make nearly 1,000 small hexagonal mirrors. Then these small mirrors will be moved to Chile and fitted together like pieces in a giant jigsaw puzzle.
According to astronomers, the images that the giant telescope will produce 15 times sharper than images from the Hubble space telescope, and ultimately it can help find signs of life on other planets.
Henri Boffin, a senior astronomer said the new telescope will help find answers to the questions that scientists make when using the tools available at the observatory.
"What we can do so far is just increase the number of questions up. For example, we discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, but we have no clue and why so. telescopes we hope will help us answer this question, "BBC quoted astronomer Boffin.
In Chile, not only the big project of building a telescope, a team of engineers are finished building a network of radio telescopes ALMA world's largest.
The ALMA telescope has an important role in unlocking the secrets of the universe. It includes more than 60 giant radio antenna, mounted on Chajnantor plateau at an altitude of 5,000 m dizzy. Tim de Zeeuw, head of the ESO is expected to start operating this network later this year, promising "a transition to science as the Hubble space telescope"
Chile - thiên đường của các nhà thiên văn học
The ALMA telescope has an important role in unlocking the secrets of the universe. Photo: ESO. 
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