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Friday, July 15, 2011

Area 51

Area 51 (translates as area 51)

I made ​​this Topic to a few storms with strong winds slash Uncle learn more information to expand the mind

Signboards at the Groom Lake base.

On 16 / 9 last, President Bush once again put into the area 51 secret documents when he approved public Exclusion Act, the law allows the U.S. military may not declared on the basis of secret Privacy-called Groom Lake area 51 - at Nevada, USA.

Compare this type of order. Let the guilty secret is not publicly
 Long, there were rumors around the region quite thrilling 51, that there are spaceships and aliens. However, many argued that this is the basis for testing the modern military equipment in the world of American ...
Exclusion Act of publicity
On the morning of the week, at least about 500 people gathered at the entrance to protect the north west of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they are on a Boeing 737-200 aircraft with cards labeled "Janet" followed by their identification numbers. Every thirty minutes, to the 737 that took off north toward the Groom Lake.
Because of national security, President Bush recently decided to restore a law that allows air force federal silent about America's secret campaign in the Groom Lake base, southern Nevada. Memorandum of Mr. Bush said that putting the Groom Lake secret record of protecting "vital interests" of the country. Pursuant to the Groom Lake-also known as Area 51 - Las Vegas is located about 100 miles north. This is a secret base within a lake is shallow and closely guarded. Above is a no-fly zone. The government has always denied the existence of Area 51. In 1995, President Clinton was first decreed kept secret for Region 51 after two cases of a number of workers injured on the military exercises at the base. Since then, every year this law was renewed. On 16 / 9 last, President Bush approved the decree. He mentions two cases mentioned above and for the two widows that their husbands have died of toxic hazard at Groom Lake. Attorney Jonathan Turley, who represented the widow in the family, said the presidential directive to keep secret all documents that Turley believes that they are related to the death of the workers it was at 51. Exclusion Act of publicity of President Bush allows U.S. military declined to provide any information relating to the military operations in Area 51, Nevada, and free for the U.S. Air Force is not accepted the prohibition of hazardous waste in the federal legal system or the state, if the Executive makes the secret leaked out.
Area 51 and rumorsThe road from Las Vegas to Groom Lake.As always kept in the secret Area 51 as stimulating people's curiosity. The region has become the subject goofy speculation and widespread as some people believe that the federal government is hiding evidence of a spacecraft or even aliens in it. Residents living in the city next to Rachel that people have started talking about UFO many years ago when a Nevada workers swore that he saw a spaceship there.

Make the area 51 as the embassy UFO baby ^ ^
Area 51 has become a "concept" popular culture. It appears in the video game program to the serious news programs like 60 minutes.

Area 51 Games based on "area 51"

Everyone says the aircraft as U2, SR-71 and other aircraft are in flight test area 51. Las Vegas is the largest city close to most area 51, ​​about 100 miles to Las Vegas. Traffic from the land of entertainment and the famous Las Vegas casinos go to Area 51 is very convenient. Although convenient, but Area 51 was very careful and guarded secrets. The only thing that you can see when this area was the aircraft B-52 and F-15.

Modern fighters of the U.S. F-22

F117 stealth aircraft

Aircraft B-2

SR-71 Blackbird nickname
F-15 fighters of the U.S.
This sure everyone is familiar. "enemies of Vietnam", B52

U-2 aircraft

  Most people who are curious can just drive into the town of Rachel and go about two miles further along the outside grounds. Land of the base at the disposal of the army so visitors can access hard to complete it, but can only "sees" about 30 miles back alone. In winter, more and more difficult to access. But visitors can still "visit" Area 51 somewhere else-in near the town of Rachel has a center named after the 51 research centers. The center published the magazine The mice Groom Lake and Little A'le'inn newspaper printed pictures of aliens logo looks great. There are also restaurants Little A'le'inn attracted many people "addicted" to learn about the UFO. You can eat and buy souvenirs "aliens." The left side of the store is a satellite photo of the entire region 51.

Overview of area 51 taken from satellites.

Based Secrets exercises
In fact, this particular area seems to be a secret testing grounds of the U.S. military. Late in 1955, factories in the region completed 51 test flights of aircraft reconnaissance

U-2 by Group Lockheed military equipment manufacturing. CIA has assigned aircraft designer Kelly Johnson U-2 mission to select and build a secure testing area. In May 3 / 1955, Johnson selected Groom Lake in Nevada. He called the place as "paradise farm", in fact it is officially known as Watertown Strip. In May 6 / 1958, it was Atomic Energy Commission United States called the code name "Area 51". Since then, the Groom Lake became a test of advanced aircraft in the world, represented as Lockheed U-2 aircraft, SR-71 Blackbird aircraft, aircraft ambush F-117, B-bomb ambush 2, aircraft speed automatic, and even spaceships.

Americans make it more like star wars spaceship that was hidden thanks ^ ^

In 1975, a series of fleet exercises Red Flag (Red Flag) occurred in Groom Lake, oni110 then called "Red Square". These exercises make this security has been tightened Groom Lake. The name Area 51 was referred to the press more.

By the 1980s, particularly the base was significantly expanded. Highway was extended south. A smaller road running parallel to it was built in the early 1990s. The concave cavities on either side of the road was built to care homes for the secret flight, leaving the spy satellites can not detect. It is also for installation of radar and communications signals and build a large warehouse. Apartment of the base was repaired enough accommodation for about 2,000 people. Security for the presidio of the base is enhanced. Prior to 1984, stands on Bald Mountain is easy to see the base of the hills and stretches down to the lake. Then, the air force expanded military base Nellis because they think doing so will prevent the vision from the mountain. Now stand on the mountain people still see both sides of the hill part of the base. Fence of the base is strictly protected by a security force equipped with high tech equipment. On the muddy path along the fence, it is fitted with electronic sensors remotely. It had long thought that the surveillance equipment at the base that a modern touch devices can "smell" that someone is coming near the fence, and distinguish between people with animals living around them.
In 1989, a man named Bob Lazar appeared on Las Vegas television station and said he had been admitted to work in Area 51. His work is in charge of engineering for the alien UFOs. According to Mr. Lazar, nine of the UFO was flying from a high-security device called S-4 at Papoose Lake Groom Lake 10 miles southwest. Just as Mr. Lazar's story in Groom Lake, the people are for propulsion system testing. This proves that the U.S. owns a modern technology ever need to keep secret. Technology that can be supersonic aircraft with a new propulsion system, such as engine thrust jet engine explosion or static ultrasonic steam.

Currently, it is said that Groom Lake Area 51 - under the management of three squads Center Air Force flight test federal.
The whole world seemed to know the "Bermuda Triangle" in the Atlantic, which has happened thousands of aircraft accidents and marine vessels. But few people know to "Nevada Triangle" mystery in the United States.
According to the American press, "Nevada Triangle" area is desert, an area of ​​about 25,000 square miles wide, extending to Nevada from Arizona and a part of the state of California. It had almost no inhabitants, only identical shutter mountains.
According to statistics, in 60 years is about more than 2,000 aircraft of all types, including military aircraft of the USAF as the B-24, B-17, P-38, crashed and disappeared when through the area.

The latest events are millionaires, the great American explorer James Steve Fossett disappeared on 3 / 9 / 2007 after 63 years. (63 to DC then, exploring a trip to always finish strong ^ ^)
Until now, American public opinion about the rumored "Triangle Nevada" mysterious for many airplane crashes or missing. Some say this is top secret military area of ​​the U.S. military with an alias as "Area 51". This is the largest air base, where the testing of new weapons, new aircraft types as well as military science and technology high.
Also, in this opinion that each incident UFO (unidentified flying objects) of aliens

and the U.S. is keeping their bodies to research.Therefore, all people and vehicles including aircraft and not allowed to fly over the area. If not, be the Air Force and U.S. Non shot down.
On 3/9/2007, Steve Fossett rode a propeller plane taking off from a farm in Nevada, while flying over the area near the U.S. air base is missing. The authorities immediately dispatched search and rescue team but was not found. There are many rumors surrounding the event Fossett disappeared as he deliberately fly "zone 51" top secret U.S. Air Force should be shot down. Has said that he was abducted by aliens. The rumors is that many foreign scientists are interested in and find the answers to the mystery.
After a year, they discovered fragments of Steve Fossett's plane crashed. Scientists have folded pieces of this plane to find out why his plane crashed. Through research, scientists say Fossett plane crashed is not related to the secret "Area 51", nor the alien abduction that can weather the harsh climate of the area this area.
The scientists said the two important factors are moving at high speed of the air blowing in from the Pacific plus the higher terrain of steep mountains of the "triangle area Nevada" has created a special microclimates that scientists call "mountain wave". Type of waves swirling vortex as seizures are very high, it can push the plane up high and then suddenly the plane dropped straight down the ground.
Nevada mountains high average 1,600, while some higher mountains some 4,000 meters. When aircraft fly over the rarefied air layer is thin, the fuel should the engine can not function normally, plus the weather and special effects of "mountain wave" as the perpetrator of the accident aircraft. During the day Steve Fossett flew over the area, the air moving with a velocity of about 700 km / h from high to low, while Fossett's plane has the highest rate is nearly 500 km / hour, the aircraft has This air flow was excavated down to the ground - Fossett's plane was shattered and his character died.
Recently, the British broadcaster has collaborated with American scientists to build the documentary film entitled "The Triangle Mystery Nevada." In that scientists have collected and made many documents as the number of aircraft crashed in the area at one time, the climatic phenomenon in the region, which lift the veil of mystery causes the plane crashed. According to scientists, mainly due to the harsh climate caused the Nevada mountains. This film will make many documents on the climate of the Triangle region, Nevada and will be screened next year.
However, the material is still not fully convinced the American public and many people still believe that harsh climate is only part rather than the major mysteries in the area. Because Nevada is a special military zone, the U.S. Air Force has a huge base here, so the study of climate have been carried out an elaborate operation to serve the Air Force and other military activities. Therefore, the aircraft fly over here all know the climate are, but knowing in advance to avoid but the plane still fall oddly. Some say as the Bermuda Triangle mystery still a mystery.
In the 51 that some children do not know this particular lake home aka ko undermined jump shot?

The extremely reliable disclosure of UFO
Aliens are real and have contacted humans on Earth. This is confirmed by Mr. Edgar Mitchell, former astronaut and NASA's top man first set foot on the moon 6.Mitchell, 77, who set foot on the moon aboard Apollo 14 in 1971, has made the shocking claims in an interview on radio station Kerrang! popular in Britain.
Also according to Mitchell, the aliens are real but the U.S. government has been hiding for more than 60 years. Mitchell said he is exposing a conspiracy to keep aliens a secret.
Former NASA astronaut said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during the years he worked at NASA, but all cases were covered up.: Yy71:
The 77-year-old said NASA had contact with aliens, described them "as human beings we look a little strange way."
As described by Mr. Mitchell, the alien has the shape of tiny eyes and big heads.
You sign up new members is that link.
Photos. Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Mr. Mitchell says that aliens have the right appearance as what the filmmaker imagined: little body, eyes and big heads.
"There is no doubt that life exists throughout the universe. We are not alone. I can confirm that. "
"Whether we can identify where that planet? No, certainly not in the Solar System. But we can define a habitable planet "
According to Mitchell, human technology is not sophisticated technology of the aliens, and that people can no longer be on earth if aliens hate. "They're not harmful and hostile to man."
Mr. Mitchell, along with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, who holds the record for the longest walk on the moon with time 9 hours, 17 minutes in 1971.
In the interview, he said: "The aliens have visited earth and UFO phenomena is real ... That had been hidden by all the governments in 60 years, but gradually it has been leaked. "
"I'm in the average number of officials and the military reported the truth behind what the public knows, that the earth was visiting aliens. Read the press recently, I saw the story that happened a lot. "
"This is the beginning of the process of public things. I think we are approaching the opening curtain secrets and some serious organizations moving toward this. "

Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Mitchell has an engineering degree and a PhD degree in aviation science of aviation and space travel. He said Roswell UFO "landing" Earth in 1947 is real and similar visits by aliens will continue to be investigated.

Space agency NASA issued a statement saying they disagreed with Mitchell's comments.

NASA officials said they do not track UFOs and not related to the secret of the fact. A spokesman added: "Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not have the same views with him on this issue"

Good news for fans of UFO:

Barack Obama will reveal much about the visit of the UFO as well as the U.S. was in contact with alien creatures.

All Web Page News recently led to sources close to Obama said the Agency for Research on High-Level U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA) has "green light" for future claims.

Chances are, Obama will give some evidence that the aliens are trying to contact Earth.

The source said that some governments will also announce the time in contact with aliens within three years.

An article posted on the website other claims, the Earth's ozone layer because of the aliens protected by the technology. And that world leaders will have to admit aliens exist is to support humanity. (This was thanks to a little shopping?)

Last published relating to UFO's Obama attracted much attention because before now there are many speculations about the origin "mystery" of this President. (The mystery is why dance? His father was alien believe that babies fall from the sky now?)

* You should post a new blog very lightning should expect some mild light phang Uncle gium ^ ^)

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